Hi! I'm Hanna.

This is a prototype. This is what my portfolio could be like. It has the content hierarcy working well but now all this needs is a good web design, polished texts and a few more fancy features to make it pop.

I am a Web Developer and UI Designer from Helsinki. Most of the time I work with visual calculator applications for tablet devices but during my 5 year work experience I've also created prototypes, mockups and wireframes for our customer's web app ideas. See below for more.

When I'm not at work I'm sitting dedicatedly in front of the tv watching the latest shows and movies. Or I'm outside playing Pokemon Go. #TeamInstinct


The hardest part is to evaluate your skills and give them grades but let's give it a go.

From 0 to 15:

  • 0-5 I'm familiar with it but need tutorials and good examples to make things work.
  • 6-10 I can work without being on google all the time (and my friend developers know it's all about that google).
  • 11 and up, I'm good. No google needed except for the expert stuff.

There's a lot more to learn and it's difficult to keep up with how fast the industry is evolving. There are always new techniques and tools to learn. What I'm most interested in learning right now is improving my Javascript and UI design skills, how to develop with Angular.js, React.js and Node.js and how to use the Sketch app.

Work experience

"I've done my work! Five years of it! In Proper!" -Hanna 'Sirius Black' Kinnunen

Projektitoimisto Proper: 2012 - now

As a Project Manager and the only employee working with web apps I worked with the projects from start to finish: From the design phase to development, testing and publishing. I got a lot of experience managing the projects and communicating with customers.

Here's some of the project I did with Proper:

  • Calculation applications (for tablets and computers)
  • Company websites
  • Concept designs
  • Web site wireframes and prototypes
  • Usability studies and reports
  • API documentation page
  • Marketing materials such as posters and business cards

Proper was the best place to work at the start of my career. It is a consulting firm with variable interests. One branch does Tableau visualisations and the CEO Teemu Purmonen is the best consult there is if you want to develop your small or medium size company. Proper has taught me a lot about different kinds of companies and customers and it has given me the freedom to develop my skill set with customer projects as well as my own interests.

My work

Real projects with happy customers.

Working prototype

Duuniruukki had a very technically orientated first draft of their web app online when we were asked to jump in to improve their site. What I did was figure out what they wanted to accomplish with their site, look at other similar sites and combine the two to a working prototype. I used Foundation for the layout to make it addaptive and linked the pages together. What the customer got was a working prototype of the user experience.

I expected the development team to add their own graphic interface but all they did was change the primary color, hook it up to the database and put it online. Apparently the prototype was good enough.


Concept design and promo materials

Customer came in with an idea for an application that was the "Uber for Interpreters" and they needed a concept design for the service. For this project I drew inspiration from Uber, since they have the whole service figured out and there's no point in inventing the wheel again. For the concept design I created a mockup for the mobile app. Since then the app grew to a succesfull startup and I've also composed promotional posters and other marketing materials for the company.

Calculation App for Medical Field

I've done a lot of these types of apps. They start with an Excel file and based on that I have to figure out what the main message is and what the customer wants to say with the app. The "app flow" and visualisations are build around the message. The apps are build using HTML5 which allows us to distribute it to any platform from iPads to PCs.

For security reasons images or more detailed descriptions are not available.

Curriculum Vitae

You can download my resume (in Finnish) here: PDF


Get in touch, I won't bite. I might even have a movie or tv recommendation for you.


Thank you for reading all the way down here! Now go! Be free! Bye!